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State Verification

This guide will show how to validate a downloaded state so that you can trust it. This guide is intended for advanced users.


You need to be able to run TWO full go-spacemesh nodes on the system. We will call one node a state_provider and the second one a state_validator.

Let us assume that the data for the state_provider is placed in the ./state_provider directory. The state_validator is another node that will be responsible for validating that state. It may be any running node, just with proper (direct & blocklist) config adjustments. Please adjust accordingly if the setup is different.


We will run two nodes on one system, at the same time. The state_provider will have the data downloaded from "the Internet" and this state is unknown to the state_validator.

  1. Base configs

Config for state_provider:

"api": {
"grpc-json-listener": "",
"grpc-private-listener": "",
"grpc-public-listener": ""
"p2p": {
"listen": "/ip4/",
"min-peers": 1,
"low-peers": 1,
"high-peers": 1,
"disable-dht": true,
"bootnodes": [],

Config for state_validator:

"api": {
"grpc-json-listener": "",
"grpc-private-listener": "",
"grpc-public-listener": ""
"p2p": {
"listen": "/ip4/",
  1. Launch the nodes
  • Launch the state_provider as: ./go-spacemesh --config state_provider/config.json -d ./state_provider --smeshing-opts-datadir ./state_provider/post --filelock state_provider/syncer.lock

  • Launch the state_validator as: ./go-spacemesh --config state_validator/config.json -d ./state_validator --smeshing-opts-datadir ./state_validator/post --filelock state_validator/syncer.lock

You will need to obtain the network ID from both nodes via grpcurl -plaintext spacemesh.v1.DebugService.NetworkInfo and keep it as STATE_VALIDATOR_P2P_ID grpcurl -plaintext spacemesh.v1.DebugService.NetworkInfo and as STATE_PROVIDER_P2P_ID

  • Stop the nodes after acquiring this information.
  1. Adjust the configs
  • Edit both configs so they look like this:

Config for state_provider:

"api": {
"grpc-json-listener": "",
"grpc-private-listener": "",
"grpc-public-listener": ""
"p2p": {
"listen": "/ip4/",
"min-peers": 1,
"low-peers": 1,
"high-peers": 1,
"disable-dht": true,
"bootnodes": [],
"direct": [

Config for state_validator:

"api": {
"grpc-json-listener": "",
"grpc-private-listener": "",
"grpc-public-listener": ""
"p2p": {
"listen": "/ip4/",
"direct": [
  1. Launch the nodes again.
  • Launch the state_provider as: ./go-spacemesh --config state_provider/config.json -d ./state_provider --smeshing-opts-datadir ./state_provider/post --filelock state_provider/syncer.lock

  • Launch the state_validator as: ./go-spacemesh --config state_validator/config.json -d ./state_validator --smeshing-opts-datadir ./state_validator/post --filelock state_validator/syncer.lock

  1. Wait for the state_validator to sync. Given that the state_validator is an empty node, it will take time to fully sync. Additionally, because each ATX needs about 100 - 200ms to validate, you will observe half of the CPU cores being utilized for the ATX validation.

  2. Once the sync is done in the state_validator directory, there will be a perfectly validated state.sql file.